Welcome to my personal website

Who am I ?

Hi, nice to see you here, I am Josué Raad, IT student at Université de Poitiers, in France.

"Andarael" is my usual online username. I have fiddled with computers since my childhood, and I was very quickly fascinated by these machines as much in hardware as in software.

In the 3D world

In 2011, (10 years ago, wow) I started using this amazing software : Blender 3D. I learned and followed each of the updates on my own. I am proud today to see what I have achieved. And I'm also pleased to see the progress of this open source software in the industry.

I have also developed some add-ons for blender, they are available on my GitHub page for now.



Most of my projects are university related, but I do create small utilities to simplify my life from time to times.

My public projects can be found on my GitHub page.


I have to admit my upscaling addiction. Seeing some GAN generate new details from chunks of pixels is mesmerizing. I use upscaling to create modified textures for increased fidelity in the games I play, but also for 3D rendering.

Video Games


Modding games has always been a passion for me. Old and new, as soon as there is something to edit I'm part of it. I have made a few private mods myself (for Creation Engine games mostly). They are available on-demand.


Not satisfied with the color rendering and post processing of most old games (and some new ones too) , i started doing my own ENB and Reshade presets (those hook to the game process and inject post processing or overwrite rendering), available here !


I plan in the future to use Godot to play with some ideas I have.

I did some basic games inside the "Blender Game Engine", but it is depreciated since version 2.80 of the software. The games included custom python scripts and bare bone usage of the physics engine.